Activity Logs > Clean the Activity Log Records 
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Clean the Activity Log Records

The Activity Log Clean Tool allows you to clean log records up to a specified date, within a date range or after a specified date. This removes log entries for the date range you specify.

1.       On the admin menu bar, click Admin Utilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.       Click the Tools button. The Admin Toolbox page appears.

3.       Click the Activity Log Clean Tool button. The Activity Log Clean page appears.

4.       Select the Date Before option, the Date After option or the Date Between option.

5.       Use the drop-down lists and the Date calendar to select appropriate time and dates.

6.       From the Log Type list select the log type or types that you want to clean.

7.       From the User Type list select the type or types of user

8.       If you want to create a backup of the data click the Generate Report First button. The Report Generating notification appears and then the Report Generation Results page appears.

9.       On the Activity Log Clean page click the Clean button. The log records for the specified period are removed.