Home Page Configuration > Home Page Panels 
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Home Page Panels

There are a number of home page panels available to teachers, students and parents for Studywiz home pages.

Home Page Panel

Panel Contents

Latest eBulletins

Lists the user’s three latest eBulletins.

Latest Bookmarks

Lists the user’s three latest bookmarked activities.

Latest Assignment

Lists the user’s three latest assignments.

Latest Tests

Lists the user’s three latest tests.

Latest Discussion Threads

Lists the three latest discussion threads in discussion activities.

Home Page General Content 1

Displays content added by BOTH teachers and students. The content appears on the home page of all users on the Studywiz deployment.

Home Page General Content 2

Displays content added by Studywiz teachers. The content appears on the home page of all users on the Studywiz deployment.

Home Page General Content 3

Displays content added by Studywiz teachers. The content appears on the home page of all users on the Studywiz deployment.

Latest Unread Mail

Lists the user’s three latest unread Studywiz messages.

Latest Mail

Lists the user’s three latest Studywiz messages.


Displays the user’s calendar with the events for the month as well as the specific events for the day.

Today’s Event List

Displays the user’s timetable of events for the day.

Latest RSS Feed Readers

Lists the user’s three latest RSS Feed Readers.

Latest Activities

Lists the user’s three latest Studywiz Activities.

Personal Content

Displays content added by each individual Studywiz user. Individual Studywiz users can only view the content that they add to this panel.

Latest ILPs

Lists the user’s three latest Individual Learning Plans.

Editing access to the three general content panels is configurable and can be changed on your school’s deployment by Studywiz Support.