Blogs > Search for a Blog 
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Search for a Blog

1.       On the admin menu bar, click Admin Utilities. The Admin Utilities page appears.

2.       Click the Blogs button. The Blog Search page appears.

3.       In the Keywords field, type any blog keywords.

To view a list of all blogs, leave the search field blank and then click the Search button.

4.       From the Search In Fields checkboxes, select the fields to search.

5.       If you want to refine the search to one level only, select a level from the Level drop-down list.

6.       If you want to refine the search to one class only, select a class from the Class drop-down list.

7.       If you want to refine the search to one user group, select a group from the Group drop-down list.

To refine the search to certain system users, follow the Select Specific Users procedure below.

8.       Click the Search button. The search results appear.

9.       Click the Blog icon, or the blogger’s name. The Blog page appears and displays a list of the blogger’s posts.

           To open a blog entry, click the blog entry title.

           To return to the Other Blogs page, click Return.