Induction Letters > Send Induction Letters > Send the letter as a Message 
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Send the letter as a Message

To send the letter as an internal Studywiz message or as an external email message or as a message attachment, follow this procedure.

1.       Select the Send Message option. The additional send message options appear.

2.       Select the message Transport options:

The option to send an Induction Letter as an external message may not be enabled on your Studywiz deployment.

           To send the letter internally through the Studywiz messaging system, select the Internal Message option.

           To send the letter as an external email message, select the External Message option.

Before you select this option, ensure that the user has a valid email address listed in their user details.

3.       Select the message Format options:

           To contain the letter within the message/email, select the As HTML option.

           To send the letter as a PDF attachment to the message/email, select the As PDF Attachment option.

4.       In the Subject field, type a title for the Message.

5.       If you selected the As PDF Attachment option, add a message in the Body field.

The body field will only appear if you have selected the As PDF Attachment option.

6.       Click the Generate button. The message is sent and the Results page appears.

The results page shows if the user has received the message or not.

7.       To see the results of all your sent Induction Letters, click the View All Sessions button. The All Sessions panel appears.

8.       Use the crumb trail at the top of the page or the Studywiz button bar to continue working with Studywiz.