Schools, Classes and Groups > Manage Groups > Create a Group > Create a Global Group > Create a Global Group with Manually Added Members 
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Create a Global Group with Manually Added Members

Follow this procedure to create a Global Group and add its members manually.

1.       Click Hierarchy Management and then click User Groups. The User Groups panel appears.

2.       Under Global User Groups click the add user group button. The New Global Group panel appears.

3.       In the Global Group Name field, type the name of the new Group.

4.       In the Global Group Description field, type a description.

Group descriptions help Studywiz users decide whether or not they want to join a Group.

5.       Click Apply. The user management buttons appear.

6.       Set the Group’s Joining Options according to the procedures in the Set a Group’s Joining Options section.

7.       Add Users to the Group according to the procedure in the Add Users to a Group section.

8.       Click Apply. The Group is saved.